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Writer's pictureKaur Satya Shanti

你無需成為世界的贏家,你只需成為自己人生跑道上繼續走的人 | You don’t need to be a winner but someone who keeps walking on your path.


























Kundalini Yoga 一直在支持住我和學生們,回到自己的身體、屬於自己的Sat Nam (真實) 和跑道上。坦白說,回到自己從來不是一朝一夕的事,尤其是如此與別不同的我們,因為外面還未有任何的樣版,我們都是摸索著屬於自己的跑道,但相信我,我們將可能成為別人的樣版。請不好辜負自己再一次選擇回來的靈魂,您如何體現自己就是您的力量和對世界最大的影響和貢獻。

Always remember

to Live Well

Love from


/Kundalini Yoga Private Class - 針對你的潛意識阻塞

/Kundalini Yoga Consultation - 你會得到專屬你個人化的練習讓你自行練習

/Kundalini Yoga 廣東話恆常班 (Onsite + Online) - 恆常練習平衡神經系統

/Aura Soma Session - 不定期開放預約,請登記Waitlist得到第一手資訊



You don’t need to be a winner in the world but someone who keeps walking on your path.

Preparing breakfast every morning is the most enjoyable time for me.

When we are willing to be fully in the present moment, inspiration or messages from the universe will naturally land in our consciousness.

This sentence came up today:

"When you no longer fear that your life is lagging behind the crowd, you become the winner in your own life."

Maybe we are all so used to comparison, especially those of us who grew up in Asia.

The relationship between people seems to unconsciously carry the meaning of who is good enough, who is fast enough, who is beautiful enough, who is rich enough, and who is capable enough bla bla bla.

Due to these thoughts, we constantly drive ourselves to be better, faster, more beautiful, richer, and more capable.

Over time, these skills have been developed into an automatic reactions like robots and that makes our nervous system imbalanced.

The truth underlying it is that we are afraid of falling behind the crowd and becoming a "loser".

But I am telling you when you no longer fear falling behind others and walk at your own rhythm, you are the real "winner" in your life.

In the class last week, I shared with my students what I would do when the comparison thought starts to pop up.

I will immediately turn everyone including myself into different plants!

Let me share with you a very personal part of me.

In the early days of my healing journey, I often complained about why my path was so difficult.

Why do I have to experience these at such a young age that others don’t?

Why can I easily see through the truth? Isn’t it nice to be stupid sometimes?

Why do I become that remarkable one of my exes but without becoming their life partner?

I eventually accepted that I am actually a catalyst which reflects their vulnerability and not every one is ready for it.

The bitterness, misunderstanding, and loss nurture my wisdom.

Because I am a lotus that needs to thrive and bloom under the mud.

Some people are sunflowers. They just bloom wildly during Summer with lots of sunlight available.

The appearance of violets is not as eye-catchy as sunflowers, but it exudes a unique fragrance that will also attract people who love it. It even prefers Autumn and Winter to blossom.

Just think about if we envy why other people's lives are more beautiful than mine, it is like asking a violet to bloom in the Summer. Why doesn't the violet complain? Because she knows very well that she has her own flowering season.

Every plant has its own season. The blossoms of others are for appreciation rather than comparison. We are the same as millions of people in the world. We all have our own sparks and moments of success as long as we following our own flowering season.

You know what. Bamboo takes five years to grow. In the first four years, it only grows in inches. But in the fifth year, it grows in feet or even meters. Just think about during these four years, if she loses sight of her own cycle for just a moment and decide not to do photosynthesis properly, she may not survive the fifth year. What a pity this is? Pandas would have no food, and all the fantastic-designed furniture in the world would no longer exist.

Everyone has its own rhythm. How great would it be when we embrace our own lives and no longer see people as a competition, but see the world as a garden where everyone is blooming? You don’t need to be a winner in the world, you just need to be someone who continues to walk on your own path.

Kundalini Yoga has been supporting me and my students to return to our own bodies, our own Sat Nam (truth) and our own path. Frankly speaking, returning to yourself never happens overnight, especially for us who are so different because there are no role models YET. We are all starting from scratch and trust me, we could be the role models soon. Please do not let down your soul by choosing to come back again. How you express yourself is your power and the impact to the world.

Always remember

to Live Well.

Love from


/Kundalini Yoga Private Class - we can work on your subconscious block of any topic

/Kundalini Yoga Consultation - you will get a personalised practice for self-practice to clear your subconscious block

/Weekly Kundalini Yoga in-person Class in the UK

/Aura Soma Session - only open for waitlist, please register to get updates when the door is opened.

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