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Writer's pictureKaur Satya Shanti

<Lime Green Pomander>

Updated: Feb 6

不知道大家最近有沒有感受到沉重,那層迷霧一直陰魂不散,好像始終看不到光,沒有希望。 黎明前的黑暗雖然最黑、最令人迷失、最掙扎、最辛苦、最無助,但其實我們只是忘記了 內在的光。那點堅定又強大的光芒從來不曾離去,縱使微弱,也是在等待我們發現。


要回到那點光很簡單,我們可以選擇去沖一個涼,去大自然做一個深呼吸,喝一口清新 的水,或者使用pomander 保護靈氣,都能幫忙叉電回氣,讓我們休息過後能從迷霧中 找到罅隙,讓光進入,消除黑暗。


保護靈氣中,青檸綠色保護靈氣能幫助帶來一個新開始,讓歷盡艱辛的你終於見到曙 光、看到出口,有紓解的感覺。柑橘的果香讓你感到清新舒爽,隨時為你打氣。 青檸綠色能幫助清理心房雜物,注入正面能量,讓內在的光重新照耀,帶回生活品質和 平安,讓大家能感受到空間感和重生的喜悅,更能為心輪帶來復原的能量,重新歡迎光 的進入。

氣場像一個光體圍繞我們的身體,代表自身的能量牆,能影響情緒和環境。氣場若變得 混亂,身心更容易失去平衡。因此在日常生活中,保護和修復氣場就顯得重要。

Aura-Soma 保護靈氣能讓你隨時隨地清洗氣場,只需3滴就能夠快速平衡或修補氣場, 清理能量系統,為身、心、氣場重新注入能量並加強,幫助提升意識,從而重新專注每天 的生活。

保護靈氣由49種(7脈輪 x 各脈輪的7個從屬級別)有機草本精華以特定技術精製而成, 其中7種與特定顏色有關,另外42種則是與更微妙的能量和效果有關。


我們建議使用直覺選擇有感覺的顏色。 請相信你的當下能量和潛意識能為自己揀選最適合的靈氣。

Lime Green 青檸綠色

色彩能量:New Growth - 感受空間感和新生的喜悅



精油*:檸檬,青檸,芫茜,肉桂,月桂葉,香茅 (*為有機/生物動力種植)



Have you feeling a bit heavy recently? The feeling of not being able to see light and feeling gloomy and hopeless? There is always darkness before dawn. Even if it is the darkest, feeling lost the most, the most struggling, the hardest, the most helpless situation, it is normally because we forget our inner light. During this darkness, I would say we tend to focus more on the darkness externally and we tend to forget our internal light which seems very dim yet powerful.

This is the time that we come back to our inner light and let the light guide us.

It is simple for us to connect our light. Take a shower. Be in the nature. Have a sip of water or simple use our Pomander. It recharges us. It is like light could sneak in through the cracks so our darkness fades away.

Focus on our love and light. Rebirth and reborn.

Lime Green Pomander brings a refreshment. It also brings light into darkness that we have a way-out. The flavour of Citrine refreshes us. Lime Green purifies our heart so it cleanses the baggage in our heart so our inner light shines and hence, our peace. We start to feel reborn and ecstasy. It heals and soothes our heart to welcome the light.

Aura is part of our light. It is non-physical energetic body around our physical body. It brings impact to us and the environment. If our aura is weak, we are imbalanced. So, it is important for us to take care of our aura.

Aura-Soma Pomander is a handy tool for you to cleanse your aura anytime anywhere by just 3 drops. It balances and purifies your aura immediately. It strengthens your wellbeing and brings awareness so you live your life well.

Pomander contains of 49 essence from organic herbs. 7 of them are colour-specific and the rest are bring subtle energy and effects.

Different colours support different vibrations and protection.

We suggest you pick the colour by your intuition. Trust your presence and subconsciousness and you will pick the best support.

Colour energy:New Growth - Spaciousness and ecstasy of reborn

Crystal energy:Emerald, Black Tourmaline, Chrysocolla, Malachite, Citrine

Flavour:Citrine, Cleansing, Fruity

Essential Oil*:Lemon, Lime, Coriander, Cinnamon, Bay Leaf, Lemongrass* (*Biodynamic-farmed)

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