這是讓人興奮的時間。這保護靈氣的誕生、意義和整個生產過程導致這保護靈氣的出現。這是非凡的,帶來的共時性,帶來適合它的能量,真正改變了 Aura-Soma 系統內的許多事物。
我會說在云云的保護靈氣中,它最貼近 Holy Grail (聖杯),比從前貼近Holy Grail的橄欖綠色更吻合。在放手那一刻對我們來說是什麼,放手當下並真正感受那個當下,這正是我們將這個保護靈氣加入我們周圍的電磁場中的感覺。
/Aura Soma Session - 不定期開放預約,請登記Waitlist得到第一手資訊
/Kundalini Yoga Private Class - 針對你的潛意識阻塞
/Kundalini Yoga Consultation - 你會得到專屬你個人化的練習讓你自行練習
/Subconscious Cleansing Workshop for Prosperity - 針對金錢和豐盛信念
(Original post)
It's a really exciting time. The birth of this Pomander, the conception of it, the whole of the process that's led to this Pomander coming in to being. It has been extraordinary, the synchronicities to bring it about, to bring the energies appropriate for it, really changing so many things within the system of Aura-Soma.
As one thing affects everything else, so this Lime Green Pomander brings a real sense that even in the midst of all of the shadow, the difficulties, the darkness, there's an incredible light beginning to dawn. Light which is based in hope, based in the possibility of living from an abundant place.
All of the positive aspects that can come to be are expressed through this Lime Green energy. This Pomander’s zesty citrus fragrance is reminiscent of Springtime and its clean fruity, fresh scent cuts through the grey skies and welcomes sunshine into our lives. It’s restorative to the subtle fields, bringing a sense of renewed energy and purpose into the electromagnetic field of the physicality.
I would say that out of all the Pomanders it's most closely associated with the Holy Grail, even more so now than possibly the Olive Pomander, previously most associated with the Holy Grail and the Solar Logos. To be able to really let go, to let go into whatever it is that the moment holds for us, to let go into the present and to really feel for that present, while it is that we place this Pomander into the electromagnetic field that surrounds us.
Sharing the sequence with the Lime Green Pomander brings a sense of ease, a sense of space, a sense of renewed joy to our being, a new zest for presence. I think these qualities are absolutely essential at this point in time.
We might be reminded with the arrival of the Lime Green Pomander of the importance of tuning into Nature’s rhythms. An optimal time to sow and plant, today's full moon in Taurus brings emphasis to our connection to the Earth.
A near full lunar eclipse during this ‘Beaver Moon’ we are encouraged to acknowledge the shadow while nurturing the light seeds within. In the context of the last Equilibrium where Ceres brought healing to the timeline, Persephone bliss and freedom from the past, and, most recently, Pluton supported us in actualising our new direction – this Lime Green Pomander talks of fresh beginnings and the possibility to cultivate the light within.
I'm looking forward to seeing and hearing the feedback from the Aura-Soma community about their initial experiences with the Lime Green Pomander because it's one that seems able to target the support that's necessary on an individual basis, and for us to be able to receive what it is that's really needed for our personal empowerment.
/Aura Soma Session - only open for waitlist, please register to get updates when the door is opened.
/Kundalini Yoga Private Class - we can work on your subconscious block of any topic
/Kundalini Yoga Consultation - you will get a personalised practice for self-practice to clear your subconscious block
/Subconscious Cleansing Workshop for Prosperity - work on your money belief