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Writer's pictureKaur Satya Shanti

恆持鍛鍊 Kundalini Yoga 十分支持以下 4 類人 | Kundalini Yoga supports these 4 types of people

Updated: Jun 27


我一直認為 Kundalini Yoga 這個十分罕有又不流行的瑜伽,我們能遇上它真是一種緣份。

在 5 年的教學中,我發現恆持練習 Kundalini Yoga 十分支持以下 4 類人。



恆持鍛鍊 Kundalini Yoga 協助我們提高對自己的信心和安全感,我發現他們都比恆持上課前更能為自己發聲、確信自己的服務所以不需擔心沒有人光顧,因此能夠放輕鬆地面對自己的工作,給出100%的服務品質。



我很多的學生因為恆持鍛鍊 Kundalini Yoga 都慢慢成為療癒師、身心靈的工作者,甚至成為 Kundalini Yoga 老師,然後找到自己認為對的時間點、自在的方法去展現自己熱愛的工具,而我發現她們都散發著跟別人不一樣的光芒吸引需要他們的客戶。



我發現有恆持來跟我練習 Kundalini Yoga 的父母或照顧者,他們均認為每星期有一個晚上完全回到自己的身體和放鬆,為自己注滿力量後,回到家中對家庭成員卻多了一份包容和耐性,這樣為家人付出就會感到更幸福飽滿!




如果你都想跟我一起恆持鍛鍊 Kundalini Yoga,不妨參與我的恆常課,不論你在世界哪一個角落,只要時區可行,我都在世界某一端支持著你!


Always remember

to Live well

Love from


/Kundalini Yoga Private Class - 針對你的潛意識阻塞

/Kundalini Yoga Consultation - 你會得到專屬你個人化的練習讓你自行練習

/Kundalini Yoga 廣東話恆常班 (Onsite + Online) - 恆常練習平衡神經系統

/Aura Soma Session - 不定期開放預約,請登記Waitlist得到第一手資訊




<Kundalini Yoga supports these 4 types of people>

I always think Kundalini Yoga is a rare and not a well-known yoga type. It is probably divine for us to know it.

Since I have been teaching it for 5 years, I realise there are 4 types of people are greatly supported by Kundalini Yoga.

  • Entrepreneurs and Freelancers

Because of unstable income, entrepreneurs and freelancers are affected emotionally from how much they earn, sales, how hard they can work on their business etc. These actually stress us a lot so our nervous system can't rest properly and it may even obliterate our passion of our business.

Practicing Kundalini Yoga supports our self-confidence and sense of security. I find them easier to speak up, to trust their services so they aren't worried about if they can get clients or not than before coming to my class. So they can do their work with ease and provide their service in 100% quality.

  • People working in Spirituality field

No matter what tools or services you are providing, I am sure you want to provide them with your own way, your own voice and your own truth. To be honest, there are lots of marketing strategy in the market which we might unconsciously follow those "successfully-proven" way to sell but we forget who we are.

Many of my students are becoming spiritual workers, energy healers, or even Kundalini Yoga teachers. They can eventually promote their service in their own timeline, own rhythm with their own way which aligns to their heart. I also find them radiating their own light so they can attract the right clients.

  • Parents and carers at home

We love our family so we want to give out our best to them by taking care of them perfectly, cooking wonderful meals, taking them in and out from hospital. Also, we are grown-up now so we would like to support our family. However, somehow we might prioritise them before us and we are drained.

For the parents who come practice Kundalini Yoga with me regularly, they all agree they are more patient with more capacity to their family by relaxing their body and recharged from the class on a weekly basis. I am sure this way of contributing to our family is the best feeling ever.

  • Team leaders and managerial roles

We are not only responsible to our boss, but also taking care of your team simultaneously. I haven't even mentioned your regular workloads yet. So leaders and managers are facing the greatest stress on interpersonal relationships. It makes you very busy with different roles and it may also frustrate you about how to be a leader with ease.

This type of people can release their stress and transform old beliefs from my Kundalini Yoga class. They find their heart is expanded so they can accept different views. Their perspectives have been changed so they can see different views in a broader way and this helps them to navigate all the conflicts among people.

If you want to practice Kundalini Yoga consistently with me, feel free to join my Regular Class. No matter where you are, I am supporting you from the other side of the world.

For English regular class, I am only offering in-person class in the UK. If you are looking for English online class, feel free to contact me and we may be able to organise it too.

/Kundalini Yoga Private Class - we can work on your subconscious block of any topic

/Kundalini Yoga Consultation - you will get a personalised practice for self-practice to clear your subconscious block

/Weekly Kundalini Yoga in-person Class in the UK

/Aura Soma Session - only open for waitlist, please register to get updates when the door is opened.

Always remember

to live well.

Love from



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