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Writer's pictureKaur Satya Shanti

Blessing for Men

In Kundalini Yoga, So Purkh is one of the shabd which helps men specifically.

So Purkh is written by Guru Ram Das and the effect of chanting it:

  1. Release the karmic ties with men

  2. Elevate the consciousness of men

  3. Bring divine and sacred men to your life

Men can also mean masculine energy within us so it is also helpful for women and ourselves.

It is said that, "When a woman does So Purkh for a man or men in her life, they experience deep relaxation, elevation from their worries and good fortune all abound them."

This is truly a gift for men.

It is Father's Day today. Apart from sending a gift to our Father or Husband, we can also send the blessing by chanting So Purkh.

When I started doing my 1000-day Aura sadhana, I also chanted So Purkh. I was thinking it could be a good idea to bless my husband and bring good fortune to him. Indeed, we have grown a lot together as a couple. I must say So Purkh does bring me a divine and sacred man into my life. So let's chant So Purkh to our father and husband on this Father's Day.

Scroll to the bottom for the Meaning, translation and the music for the chant.


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Always remember

to live well.

Love from




在 Kundalini Yoga 傳統中,So Purkh 是其中一個可以針對男性而唱的經文。

So Purkh 是 Guru Ram Das 所寫,唱誦此經文的作用有:

  1. 釋放自己跟男性的業力

  2. 提升你生命中任何男性的意識

  3. 把神聖的男性帶到你面前


有人說:「當一個女人為身邊的男人唱誦 So Purkh 時,他們能夠體驗深度放鬆、釋除擔憂和為他們帶來好運。」所以唱誦 So Purkh 真的是送給生命中所有男性的禮物。

適逢今天父親節,除了可以給爸爸、老公一份實際的禮物外,我們都可以唱誦 So Purkh 給他們最大的祝福喔!

我在2020年開始自己的1000天氣場練習外,還配搭唱誦 So Purkh 1000天,當時我只想祝福我老公事事順心,也沒想太多結果。現在回想起來,我們彼此的意識在這些年間一起成長了不少,So Purkh 當真為我帶來了一個神聖的男性在我生命中。所以在這個父親節,我們一起唱誦 So Purkh,祝福天下間所有的爸爸吧!

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Always remember

to live well.

Love from


Raag aasaa mhlaa chauthaa, So Purkh.

I know that I am one with God.


Ik ong kar sat gur prasaad.

This is my True Guru’s gift.


So Purkh Niranjan Har purkh Niranjan, Har agmaa agam apaara.

The Primal One is perfectly pure. The Primal God is perfect. He is within all, beyond all.


Sabh dhiaaveh sabh dhiaaveh tudh jee, Har sache sirjanhaaraa.

Everyone meditates. All souls meditate on You, O True Creator.


Sabh jeea tumaare jee, Toon jeeaa kaa daataaraa.

All souls are one with You. All souls come from You.


Har dhiaavoh santoh jee, sabh dookh visaaranhaaraa.

O Saints, meditate on God and all pains will fly away.


Har aape Thaakur Har aape sevak jee, kiaa Nanak jant vichaaraa.

God himself is the Master. God Himself is the Servant. O Nanak, everyone is empty-handed before Him.


Toon ghat-ghat antar sarab nirantar jee, Har eko purakh samaanaa.

You are in each beat of my heart, and in all hearts. O Lord, you are the One in everyone.


Ik date ik bhekhaaree jee, sabh tere choj vidaanaa.

Some are givers and some are takers. This all Your play.


Toon aape daataa aape bhugtaa jee, hau tudh bin avar na jaanaa.

You are the Giver and You are the receiver. It is all You.


Toon Paar-brahm beant beant, jee tere kiaa gun aakh vakhaanaa.

You are the God of all; endless and Infinite. I have no words to describe your virtues.


Jo seveh jo seveh tudh jee, jan Nanak tin kurbaanaa.

O Lord, Nanak is a sacrifice unto those who serve and serve You forever.


Har dhiaaveh Har dhiaaveh tudh jee, se jan jug maih sukh-vaasee.

Mediate on God. Meditate on God and your soul will be at peace in this world.


Se mukat se mukat bhae, jin Har dhiaaeaa jee tin tootee jam kee phaasee.

Meditate on God and live free. Life free and know the noose of death is meaningless.


Jin nirbhau jin Har nirbhau dhiaaeaa jee, tin kaa bhau sabh gavaasee.

Mediate on the fearless One, the fearless God, and live free from fear.


Jin seviaa jin seviaa meraa Har jee, te Har Har roop samaasee.

Those who serve, O those who serve my Lord, are one with Har (God) and they look Divine.


Se dhann se dhann jin Har dhiaaeaa jee, jan Nanak tin bal jaase.

Blessed, O blessed are they who meditate on Har (God). Servant Nanak is a sacrifice unto them.


Teree bhagat teree bhagat bhandaar jee, bhare biant beantaa.

Devotion to You, O devotion to You is a treasure trove that ever overflows.


Teree bhagat teree bhagat salaahan tudh jee, Har anik anek anantaa.

Your lovers, O Your lovers praise You, my Beloved, forever and ever.


Tereee anik teree anik, kareh Har poojaa jee, tap taapeh japeh beantaa.

For You, just for You O Lord, so many poojas are performed and so many endlessly chant and discipline themselves.


Tere anek tere anek parheh bahu Simrit Saasat jee, kar kiriaa khat karam karantaa.

For You, just for You O Lord, so many read the Smritis and Shastras. They do kriyas and ceremonies.


Se bhagat se bhagat bhale jan Nanak jee, jo bhaaveh mere Har Bhagwantaa.

Those loers, those lovers are sublimnal, O servant Nanak, who are pleasing to God.


Toon aad purakh aprampar kartaa jee, tudh jevad avar na koee.

You are the Primal One, the most awesome Creator of everything. There is none as great as You.


Toon jug jug eko sadaa sadaa toon eko jee, toon nihchal kartaa soee.

Throughout time and beyond time, You are the One, constant and true Creator.


Toon aape bhaavai soee vartai jee, toon aape kareh su hoee.

You do everything, and everything happens according to Your Will.


Tudh aape srisat sabh upaaee jee, tudh aape siraj sabh goee.

You create the whole universe. You destroy it and create it again.


Jan Nanak gun gaavai karte ke jee, jo sabhsai kaa jaanoee.

Servant Nanak sings the praises of his beloved Lord forever and ever. He is the Knower within all souls.


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