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Writer's pictureKaur Satya Shanti

7個恆持鍛鍊 Kundalini Yoga 的好處 | 7 Benefits of practicing Kundalini Yoga consistently

Updated: Jun 27




因為 Kundalini Yoga 最大的威力在於恆持

在 Kundalini Yoga 的說法中,恆持做同一套 Kriya





有很多同學問為什麼這幾年間我的轉變這麼大,在3年間,生意沒有被 Covid 所影響還繼續開展、決定結婚、移居到海外、飛來飛去教學等等,都是因為恆持鍛鍊 Kundalini Yoga,不斷放下舊的習慣和建立新的習慣,不斷重整我的神經系統來容納生命中多變的事情。所以恆持鍛鍊才是 Kundalini Yoga 的精髓,而我希望把 Kundalini Yoga 最大的威力帶給我的學生,因為這是 Kundalini Yoga 帶給我最大的禮物。

以下是我認為 7 個恆持鍛鍊 Kundalini Yoga 的好處

1) 平衡神經系統

我們開始踏進水瓶座的世代,科技變得愈來愈發達,每個人開始發表自己的意見,人類已離不開網絡的世界。世界充斥著十分多的資訊,就算我們沒有主動尋找相關資訊,但從社交媒體、電話的即時通訊軟件、家人一個視訊,資訊都會進入我們的生命和意識。試想想,每一天被澎湃的資訊衝擊著,這會對我們的神經系統造成過度的刺激,使神經系統維持高度的警覺性。我有一位老師說過一句話,我深感認同:「如果你把一位古代的人帶來2024年,他一定活不下去,因為世界太刺激了,他們的神經系統是抵不住的,所以活在這世代的我們,想好好生活下去,我們必定要強化我們的神經系統。」真的,要不然我們只會變得神經衰弱,或身體開始出現種種免疫系統的疾病。而 Kundalini Yoga 是直接針對神經系統的技術。

2) 轉化細胞記憶

大多接觸我的學生都因為生命起了變化,所以尋求我協助她們度過轉折期,例如:離婚、轉行、結婚、成為父母、建立事業、生理疾病、任何創傷、處理原生家庭問題等等。任何生命中的大變動,也會牽涉到面對和消化情緒一環。大部分人以為情緒藏在心裡,其實情緒在我們的細胞內。所謂的細胞記憶指事發時有的五感均能藏在細胞內,所以如果我們想好好釋放掉或轉化它們,我們必須動身體,將細胞鬆開。這是為什麼上我 Kundalini Yoga 課的學生會不自覺地流淚、冥想時會飄過一些過去的記憶、身體會發冷或發熱等,這些都是細胞記憶在釋放的現象。如果你發現你一直在做很多能量層面的療癒,但當提及同一件事,情緒還會被觸動時,我邀請你嘗試從 Body Work 入手,這樣可能會協助你轉化舊情緒。

3) 給予自己100%屬於自己的空間

都市人的生活除了節奏急速,還習慣多重身份,同時間處理十萬項事情。你除了是一個媽媽要照顧小孩外,還擁有自己的事業,更別說還要維持自己的社交圈子。生活中一切繁瑣的事務,很容易讓我們忘記了自己。當自己被掏空時,坦白說我們每一個角色、事務都無法處理得妥當。人人都說要愛人先要愛己,所以恆常給予100%屬於自己的空間鍛鍊 Kundalini Yoga 是讓你記得你自己也是重要的,讓自己練習放下工作和家庭事務,你可以好好選擇你自己,然後把自己填滿滿再去服務家人和工作。

4) 回到當下

大部分的情緒其實都是過去而累積在我們的身體和意識中,如果我們沒有意識到這一點,我們很容易被情緒牽著走,唯獨我們學習做一些功夫把自己拉回當下,你就發現你能把注意力放到現在你能做什麼而不是周旋在那個情緒當中。我發現很多在靈修路走了一陣子的學生,還會習慣性地鑽進「我該怎樣做才不會被這些舊念頭所影響?」「為什麼我還會被觸發呢?」如果剛好你在靈修路上已把自己療癒好一部分,理論上你應該有足夠力量和空間去建立新的習慣和生活,你需要建立的就是回到當下的習慣,而恆持鍛鍊 Kundalini Yoga 就是協助你回到你的身體,回到你的呼吸,回到你最中正的自己,你自然就能輕鬆作出當下該做的事。


5) 集體提高意識

在 Kundalini Yoga 的師資培訓有提過,當大伙人一同鍛練 Kundalini Yoga 時,只要團隊上有一位同學意識提高了,就能協助整個堂上所有人的意識會被提升,所以團練對於提高意識是一個非常有效率的事,你有發現自己到瑜伽館一伙人練習效果比在家中自己做練習好嗎?這是異曲同工之妙。

6) 擁有被滋養和盛載的空間

我們忙碌過後都會想有一個完全喘息的空間,那個完全不需要理會任何事情,只想好好被支持和滋養的時間。如果你習慣成為照顧者的角色,可能你是父母、長子長女、老師等等,相信我,在你心底裏總有一個部分同樣想被支持和被照顧的。這並不代表我們不成熟,反之承認自己的需求才是真正成熟的行為,你需要的是一個你信任的社群去支持和盛載你的一切。在團練 Kundalini Yoga 的過程中,你可以無後顧之憂地做自己,在老師和學生的集體氛圍中好好被照料。

7) 社群的協作效應

當我們在生命遇上低點或瓶頸時,你會發現自己做什麼也沒有效果,因為現在的你力量不足夠,這也不是什麼羞愧的事,同樣地這是願意面對自己真實的部分。人生總有低點,而你需要的不是自己解決問題,而是尋找一個社群和導師,讓大家可以支持你繼續面對你的生活,這是鍛鍊自己懂得尋找協助的能力。相反,當你充滿力量時,就是回饋社群和世界的時候,這是鍛鍊自己貢獻的能力。對我來說,這是一個社群的重要性,因為沒有人一生都在給予,也不存在人一生都在接收。能量、知識、智慧、愛、金錢、服務都是雙向流動的。我希望我的 Kundalini Yoga 社群都在帶出這件事,在我眼中,世界是這麼運作的。

如果你都想跟我一起恆持鍛鍊 Kundalini Yoga,不妨參與我的恆常課,不論你在世界哪一個角落,只要時區可行,我都在世界某一端支持著你!


Always remember

to Live well

Love from


/Kundalini Yoga Private Class - 針對你的潛意識阻塞

/Kundalini Yoga Consultation - 你會得到專屬你個人化的練習讓你自行練習

/Kundalini Yoga 廣東話恆常班 (Onsite + Online) - 恆常練習平衡神經系統

/Aura Soma Session - 不定期開放預約,請登記Waitlist得到第一手資訊




7 Benefits of practicing Kundalini Yoga consistently

Last week, a student asked, "Satya, why don't you offer single ticket on your regular class?"

This is a great question (and observation as well).

Yes, my regular class hans't got any single ticket offer unless you are new student as a trial because the power of practicing Kundalini Yoga is CONSISTENCY.

In Kundalini Yoga, when we practice the same Kriya consecutively for

40 days, we are breaking the old habit;

90 days, we are creating a new habit in your consciousness and subconsciousness;

120 days, we are confirming the new habit;

1000 days, we are gonna be the master of the new habit.

A lot of students witnessed and asked why I have a tremendous change these years. In 3 years of time, my business hadn't be affected by Covid but still growing. I got married. I moved abroad. I have been flying globally for teaching etc. These are the results of practicing Kundalini Yoga consistently from changing the old habits, cultivating new habits to regulating my nervous system to cater lots of happenings in life. So the essence of Kundalini Yoga is consistency and this is something I want to bring to my students because this is the greatest gift Kundalini Yoga has given me.

From my experience, here are 7 benefits of practicing Kundalini Yoga consistently:

  • Balancing Nervous System

We are getting into Aquarius era, meaning technology is growing fast. All of us have our own views and we can express them freely. Honestly, we can't live without internet now. We are coming across a lot of information. Even though we are not actively looking for them, those information are getting into our lives and consciousness from social media, instant message from friends or even a video call from your family. Can you imagine how stimulating these overflowing information is to our nervous system? Our nervous system tends to be triggered all the time so it keeps a high degree of alertness. One of my teachers said, "If you bring an ancient man to 2024, he can never survive because his nervous system cannot cater these stimulation. So, what we can do to live in this era is to strengthen our nervous system." It is true, otherwise, we would become overreacting and tensed and our bodies may develop a lot of immunity sickness. Kundalini Yoga is directly focusing on regulating our nervous system for sure.

  • Transforming cellular memory

Most of my students come to me when they come across big changes, such as divorce, changing jobs, getting married, becoming parents, starting their own business, physical health issue, trauma or family issues, in life to look for support for the transition. These possibly involve digesting emotions. We might think emotions are stored in our heart but they are in our cells instead. Cellular memory means we would remember the memory with 5 senses in cells. When we want to release or transform them, we definitely need to move our bodies to unlock them. This is why some students would cry in my Kundalini Yoga class, or some visuals of memory come up when they meditate, or their body might experience temperature change. These are the phenomenon of releasing the cellular memory. If you are already working on a lot of energy healing but emotions are still here when you talk about the same issue, I would suggest you to try some Body Work, it might help transforming the old emotions.

  • Giving yourself a space

We do not only live in a city with fast pace, but also live with different identities with different duties at the same time. Apart from being a mom, taking care of your kids, you may also have your business or career and I am not even mentioning to maintain your social life. Juggling around these responsibilities can easily override yourself. When we are emptied, we can never perform well among all these duties. Giving yourself a space to practice Kundalini Yoga is to remind yourself that you are your first priority. It is to allow yourself to put your responsibilities aside for a while and honour yourself so you can serve your family and job with a full you.

  • Coming back to your present

Most of the emotions stored in our consciousness were from the past. Without this awareness, we may easily be led by the old emotions. What we can do is to practice being present. Then, you can manage to ask yourself what you can do right now to help the situation instead of drilling the emotions. I noticed many people who are on their spiritual path tend to be attached to "how I can get rid of these old beliefs?" or "Why I am still triggered?" If you have been on your spiritual path and healed yourself for a while, I am sure you have more capacity to cultivate new habits which is to practice being present. Kundalini Yoga is here to support you come back to your present by connecting your body and breath. You can easily make a decision of what you can do right now from this neutrality.

The following benefits are about practicing with group

  • Raising consciousness collectively

During my Kundalini Yoga Teacher's Training, it is said that the consciousness of the whole group could be raised by only one person in the group raise her consciousness. In other words, group practice is very effective on raising our consciousness together. You may find it is easier for you to do the same practice when you do it in a yoga studio with a group than doing it alone at home.

  • A space to nourish and hold you

I am sure we all need a breather after a busy day. We want the space that we don't need to be bothered but just be supported and nourished. If you are a carer like parents, the eldest kid, teachers etc, trust me, there is a part of you internally wants to be taken care of too. It doesn't mean we are immature. On the other hand, acknowledging our needs is actually mature. What you need is a community that you trust to hold you. In my Kundalini Yoga group class, you can purely be yourself and be held by the teacher with the whole group.

  • Power of community

When we are at our lows or bottleneck in life, you may find whatever you do, it won't work. It is simply because you haven't got enough energy and this is nothing to be shameful. Again, this is how we face and acknowledge our truth right now. Life has ups and downs. When you are down, you are not here to deal with the problem alone but look for a community and a mentor so that they can support you to carry on your life. This is to train our muscle of asking for help. When you are re-charged, it is time for you to give back to the community and the world. This is to train our muscles of giving. Personally, I find this is important for a community because there is nobody always gives or always receives. Knowledge, wisdom, love, money, services are two-way flows. I hope my Kundalini Yoga community can bring this out because this is how I think the world operates.

If you want to practice Kundalini Yoga consistently with me, feel free to join my Regular Class. No matter where you are, I am supporting you from the other side of the world.

For English class, I am only offering in-person class in the UK. If you are looking for English online class, feel free to contact me and we may be able to organise it too.

/Kundalini Yoga Private Class - we can work on your subconscious block of any topic

/Kundalini Yoga Consultation - you will get a personalised practice for self-practice to clear your subconscious block

/Weekly Kundalini Yoga in-person Class in the UK

/Aura Soma Session - only open for waitlist, please register to get updates when the door is opened.

Always remember

to live well.

Love from


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